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Polygraph exams, or more commonly known as lie detector tests. This exam is now available to the general public. We are based out of Wellington Florida and offer one examination for $299. As you may know, Many government agencies such as Law enforcements, Border patrol, the CIA, The FBI, use and trust the polygraph exam.
All Examiners are certified by the Polygraph Examiners of America and are current members.
Family issues and Infidelity

Are you dealing with family issues or infidelity concerns and need answers? You can count on Florida Polygraph Exam, LLC to help you find the truth. Our reliable and confidential lie detection services provide you with the peace of mind you need to move forward. Our experienced and highly trained examiners use the latest in polygraph technology to provide you with reliable and unbiased results. We create a welcoming and understanding environment, so our clients feel comfortable throughout the examination process. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get the answers you deserve.

Fishing and hunting tournaments
Cheating during bass fishing is more common than you think, specially when there is a large sum of money. We can offer polygraph examinations to the winners of the tournaments to see if they use techniques not allowed such as stuff the fish with weights, trapping fish days before and bringing it into their boats.
Immigration polygraph exams with sealed envelopes
Florida polygraph exams offers immigration exams.
All exams are confidential.

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